はじまりのものソティス Sothis The Beginning
Byleth: ………………。 ...
ソティス: ……この、大馬鹿者!!
Sothis: You fool!
ソティス: 敵が待ち構えておるところに突っ込んで、罠に引っかかるとは、何じゃ!
Sothis: What were you thinking, charging right into an enemy's trap?
Are you just a boulder that rolls down whatever hill it's on? No, even a boulder has more sense!
Choice 1: 悪かった I'm sorry.
ソティス: 謝れば済むと思うてか!この闇は恐ろしいものなんじゃぞ!
Sothis: Apologizing won't make things right! This darkness is terrifying!
Choice 2: そうは言っても…… I can explain...
ソティス: 言い訳なぞ無用!この闇は恐ろしいものなんじゃぞ!
Sothis: Excuses won't help us! This darkness is terrifying!
ソティス: わしはおぬしと共にあればこそ、こうしてここにおるが……
Sothis: As you and I are one... I, too, am trapped within this void. But please consider this...
This realm of darkness we are in is seperate from the world from which you came. I mean that it would take a god to leave this place.
In time, our hearts and minds will cease to be. Are you prepared to die?
Choice 1: できた I am.
ソティス: このような時に冗談とは、おぬしも余裕があるのう……。
Sothis: How very brave of you, to joke at times like these...
Choice 2: できない I am not.
ソティス: それはそうじゃろう。わしとて死にたくはない。じゃが……
Sothis: I thought as much. I also do not wish to die. And yet...
ソティス: はあ……他に術はないか……。
Sothis: There is no other choice...
Byleth: 術? What choice?
ソティス: ……のう、おぬし。ジェラルトの日記は覚えておるか?
Sothis: Do you recall your father's diary?
He said you were a child who never cried nor laughed. I think I am the one to blame.
I must have been asleep, but even then, I feel I was a part of you.
I do not know how Rhea manage, but she allowed me to exist inside of you.
The truth is I have always been with you. It is within you that I found my power yet again.
The power of a goddess. The power of the progenitor god.
Byleth: ……! ...
ソティス: 我が名はソティス。それが何の名か、おぬしは聞いたはずじゃ。
Sothis: My name is Sothis. By now you must be well aware of what that means.
I am the one who watches over Fódlan and the creatures dwelling there.
I am Sothis, she who died then returned.
Choice 1: 驚いた I can't believe it.
Choice 2: そんな気はしていた Somehow, I know it to be true.
ソティス: 恒久の闇より出る術は一つ。わしの……神祖の力を使うより他はない。
Sothis: There is only one thing left to do to save us from this darkness of eternity. I must now use the power of a god.
However, I lack a body of my own. And so, I must relinquish all the power that I have...to you.
The time has come for you and I to join as one. And when that comes to pass...then I shall disappear.
Choice 1: 消える? Disappear?!
Choice 2: そんなことはできない I won't allow it.
ソティス: 消えると言うても、すべてなくなるという意味ではない。
Sothis: When I say disappear, I do not mean that all I am will be no more.
My soul will join with yours, and you and I will never be apart.
But...I will no longer have a chance to speak with you. I shall miss it.
So long have I been on this path with you. Through you, I got to see and hear this world. I even got to chastise you from time to time.
I may not have acted like a goddess, but...it was certainly fun.
For all that you have done... Thank you. I'm glad that it was you to whom my fate was bound.
Byleth: こちらこそ Thank you...for everything.
ソティス: ……さあ、願え。わしとおぬしの意志が重なれば、二つは一つになる。
Sothis: Now... We must pray. For if we share this wish, our spirits two will join as one...
Your wish...is to return to the forest, stop the enemy, and rescue the little ones. No need for words. I know your heart as though it were my own...